A Moment of My Own

Where do dreams come from?
Where do dreams go when we are awake?

Perhaps what we want and cannot achieve, returns to us during sleep; as in the disguise of the symbols representing our repressed wishes. Hidden symbols, like unwritten promises whose secrets are only revealed in one’s dream (whose codes are only opened in one’s dream). As though we have every night a secret appointment with unknown figures who look familiar to us in the dream, and yet cannot recognize them while we are awake.
Or perhaps, these symbols are diurnally latent acquainted ones, manifest at the time of sleeping. Archetypes which live latently and silently in our unconscious while waking, but are revealed while sleeping. It’s like we go to sleep every night to meet immature children coming from within of us undeveloped and stunted.
Here, in the pictures that are presented to us by Naghmeh Jahani, the dream goes from one frame to another, dragging its symbols with itself. We too along with the artist who in her dreams is seeking for an interpretation to the unknown symbols of her personality and her human life, get involved with the nature of her dreams. This conflict appears in one moment and disappears in another: erratic, like the dream itself, like the pictures the artist has put before our eyes. Whatever it is, in front of these pictures we are beholding a moment that “shall fly away as a dream, and shall not be found; he shall be chased away as a vision of the night. The eye also which saw him shall see him no more; neither shall his place any more behold him.”*

Hosein Vahdani — Author

* The holy Bible, King James Version, Book of Job, 20:8-20:9


3D Mapping

The purpose of using 3D mapping technique is to transmute the mental space of the artist into a scene in the real world.

It is as if a corner of a tangible place becomes the inner area of the artist's mind and the audience gets involved in a pure and exact experience of the artist's imagination in reality.

In this act, the audience can walk in visions of a girl and experience her dreamed reality.

Blood’s Twin

It started with pain and ended with relief

Technique: Photomontage Presentation: Diasec — Size : 100×75 cm — Year: 2016

Black Magic

Technique: Photomontage — Presentation: Diasec — Size : 100×75 cm — Year: 2016

Thunders Resounding

Technique: Photomontage Presentation: Diasec Size : 100×75 cm — Year: 2016

Tug of the Sun

It is time to let go and surrender to the Light and the sea.

Technique: Photomontage Presentation: Diasec — Size : 100×75 cm Year: 2016

Pictureless Mirror


Roam in your unconscious in the midst of all your thoughts you will be lost and in the lostness lives the foundness.


The Object